We all love to travel, see the world, visit the all those amazing places all around the world and come back home with great memories. So of course that we keep trach of all the place we have visited one way or another. Today I want to show you a interesting and fun way to keep track of all the countries you have been to.

Scratch Off World Map is thick, made from quality materials so it won't tear easily like other maps and it won't wear over time. It comes packed into a stylish protective tube so in case you buy this as a gift the problem of the package is already solved. If you are an enthusiastic traveler this can also be a great gift that you can make to yourself.
The size of the map is 35inch by 25inch, it can be framed or stock to the wall of your living room, bedroom or even in your office so it is easy for you and your friends an family to see where you have traveled.
After travelling to a new country, when you came back home just take the scratching tool or use the old coin method and scratch your new memory on the map. When revealed, each country has a bright color that pops in contrast with the gold coating.
The creators of this map had some attention for details so they divided and outlined the map very well. Even bigger countries like China or Russia are separated into smaller regions. They have also added two kinds of scratching tools and a set of colored nails so you can pin out some cities you have been to.
So if you are a traveler or have someone between your family or friends who likes to travel a lot, Scratch Off World Map is the best way to remember the good times and adventures abroad.

There is a pretty big variety of those kind of maps out there so I would like to point you out other models down bellow which have the same functionality but they may come in different colors.
Also when you buy this map you should consider reaching for the "Frequently bought together" option which comes with a frame and additional colored nails that you might need.