Everyone loves camping, but many people avoid staying too long in the great outdoors because they don't have a shower to keep themselves clean and sometimes wet towels are not a convenient option for everyone. So if you want to enjoy spending time in the wild and also enjoy the comfort of a running shower, we fond the best solution for you.

All about the portable camping shower
Whether camping, hiking, gardening or cleaning, enjoy all the amenities of home without the need for plumbing. Simply place the pump in a bucket of water, and watch as it pushes a continuous stream up the hose and out the handheld showerhead. Although it was mainly designed for camping the applications are endless, for example, watering flowers, giving your car a quick wash, washing your pet or maybe you have a plumbing problem at home and you need to take a shower.
The idea behind this portable shower for camping is so simple and easy to use. The shower system is composed of a showerhead, 71-inch long hose, and a submersible battery powered water pump. Also in the package, you will find the charging cable, a hanging bracket that you can use in combination with the suction cap or with the hanging hook to hang it on a branch or anything you can find in the outdoors.

The water pump delivers a consistent .66 gal/minute stream of water which, depending on the size of the bucket or other recipients you chose to use, will provide just the perfect shower you need. For instance, using a 2.5-gallon bucket of water, you can get approximately 7 to 8 minutes of use. As a quick tip, if you are camping near a lake you can pump water directly from it as the pump has a built-in water filtration system that will stop any debris from reaching your skin or damage the pomp.
While the duration of a shower will most likely depend on the capacity of your bucket, the pump's battery (2200mah lithium battery) will last for up to 60 min of continuous use, making the portable shower just perfect for the places you won't access to electricity. The battery will take between 2 and 5 hours to be fully charged. You can charge it on a wall outlet, in your car with a 12V adapter or in extreme cases you could use a power bank or any other USB compatible device but that will take longer to charge. Warning: Only Charge This Device With A 5V Adopter Or Less. Do Not Charge It With An Adapter That’S More Than 5 Volts.
The entire unit is nearly 6.5 feet long, so there's plenty of distance to hang it from an existing indoor shower curtain rod or high above your head from the branch of an outdoor tree. Still, remember that the entire device is compact and lightweight, so it stows comfortably in your backpack without worry.

Overall, this electric portable camping shower might be the perfect solution for people who have always struggled with showering while being out for a trip or camping.
If you're not a fan of the fact that this portable shower is electric and you want something that won't relly on electricity or a showering system to attach to your car, we have listed some alternatives for you down below.